Produkte von Iron Orchid Designs (IOD)

With a mom who dragged them to roadside junk piles and hole in the wall thrift stores, Josie Celio and Sally Griswold grew to love all things vintage and DIY, long before it was trendy.
Josie has been happily married to her high school sweetheart, Aaron, since 1988. Together, they have 6 beautiful children and a homestead with several farm animals. Sally and husband Wayne have been happily married since 1994 and live in their suburban home with their 6 lovely children, and a chocolate lab named Beau.
Together with their husbands, they've turned their life-long passion into a business - Iron Orchid Designs, a brand through which they get the privilege of teaching, building community, and developing innovative DIY products for their people (that’s you).
The name "Iron Orchid" is symbolic of the essence of a woman, with the strength of Iron and the delicate vulnerability of an Orchid. The IOD sisters believe everyone is uniquely created to create uniquely and they aim to inspire, empower and encourage them to do just that.